Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Editing photographs in Photoshop

I like taking photographs, but landscape photography is not really something that I can do well. I like to take shots when being on a holiday, but often I tend to take out a sketchbook and start sketching the surroundings. Maybe because sometimes I just feel lost in a landscape, or feel overpowered by the atmosphere. By sketching I can just pick out the things that I like in the scene and draw this - omitting the rest of the landscape...
But I think it is about time that I start doing something with all these landscapes that I have taken in the past. So here is a picture of last summer when we were in Bretagne.
In this part some of the houses are built near the rocks to keep them safe from strong wind and storms.
This photograph was cropped, the sky was replaced and the colours were turned into Black and White and then coloured in a cold blue tone.
The picture is very simple, but the textures come out very nicely, I think.

1 comment:

Linda D. said...

Oh that has worked out really well, very atmospheric. And a great photo. It's the sort of landscape I adore - perfect buildings as far as I'm concerned to draw, too!