Sunday, November 27, 2011

Raw Art Journal: the Elephant in the Room

 It has been a while that I have uploaded the new pages from my Art journal. The last few weeks I am busy with drawing and sketching, trying to develop a new habit and enjoy a bit of uncomplicated creativity every day.
And yes, I certainly need to brush up those drawing skills as well... :-) So that is a bonus as well!

This page is about "the elephant in the room". Something so obvious - there is no way you can't overlook an elephant in your room, can you - and the habit of ignoring it all together.

I have noticed the hard way that there are things that you get so used to, but are not really regarded as 'normal'. You just think it is 'normal' cause you are so used to it for many, many years. It has become a part of your life. It has become normal for me to have that elephant sitting in my room.
But it is not normal. Absolutely not. And I have to see that elephant for what it is: an elephant. Something so big that I can't overlook it. Eventhough it is sometimes hard to acknowledge it. I need to recognise that elephant, knowing that even if I don't speak about it, or are not allowed to speak about it, it is still there.
Undeniable, obvious and present. This page will help me to remember that...

So the question for you is, how many elephants are there in your room? Are there things in your life that you'd rather not speak about? Do you have the courage to acknowledge them and start a converstation about it? Or do you just ignore it?


Marit said...

Ha... je hebt me aardig te pakken vanochtend met je (prachtige!) pagina en blogpost... oh jawel hoor, ik heb ook een olifant in de kamer. Maar ik ben me er van bewust. Ik wijs naar hem en praat tegen hem, hij is al bijna bij de gangdeur!

Carin Winkelman said...

Mooie pagina weer en interessante dingen om over na te denken. Ik weet het eigenlijk niet. Ik geloof niet dat er veel is dat ik voor mezelf niet wil weten. Olifanten in de kamer? Ik zou het echt niet weten. Aan de andere kant ben ik ook niet iemand die alles maar met iedereen deelt, maar dat vind ik ook helemaal niet nodig. Ik moet met mezelf kunnen leven, dat is het belangrijkste. Als ik een olifant tegenkom ben ik meer het soort persoon dat er in haar eentje tegenaan gaat schoppen tot-ie opgehoepeld is! ;-)